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Attendance in class is compulsory for all. Students having below 80% of attendance is liable to be debarred from appearing Selection test/Final Exam. If a student is absent for more than l5 consecutive days without prior intimation and approval his/ her name will be struck off from the roll. In cases of special consideration, they may be re-admitted with a readmission fee of Rs. 1000/-.


l. A student who has been absent from class must state the reason for absence in the ‘leave/absence record’ page in the diary signed by the parent with the date. Failing to do so a student will have to pay a fine of Rs. 20 per day.
2. A student who comes 3 days late in a month will be sent back home and parents will be called for an explanation.
3. Absence without leave application after any vacation renders the student a fine of Rs. 100 on re- opening day and Rs. 20 on subsequent days.
4. A student who is absent for more than 3 consecutive days due to sickness should produce medical certificate. In case of non availability of the same the parent has to personally clarify, otherwise, the student will not be allowed to sit in the class.
5. No leave of absence will be sanctioned nor a pupil be without a prior written application for leave from his/ her parent. Excuses as birthdays, excursions, festivals, urgent business, preparation for examination etc. are not considered as sufficient reasons.
6. Leave for religious ceremonies or special occasions must be obtained in advance.`