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Our Vision & Mission

Our Aim

• Overall development of a child.
• Equal opportunity for both girl and boy child to groom in prejudice free atmosphere.
• Develop congnitive ability in each child. • Inculcate leadership qualities.
• Groom every child with greater vision to face challenges.
• Develop scientific temperament and competitive spirit.


To foster a total and integrated development of each student in their uniqueness so that they may become intellectually alert, emotionally balanced, spiritually rooted and conscious of a call to build up the human community and caring for ecological harmony, thus making our school a life enhancing resource centre.


All schools may have some objectives and a common aim to achieve but what makes a school unique is its ability to see in each child a hidden great soul and to make him/her realize that dynamic possibility. The main features of the school lie in:

• Teaching-Learning process is in English-to-English method.
• To develop scientific temperament in the child, school conducts Vigyan Yatras, Exhibitions and Science Symposiums.
• Method of Teaching employed in the school is interactive & direct experience method, experimentation & dramatization method and audio & visual method.
• To inculcate social awareness, students conduct different programmes on various social issues.
• To promote secular and national feelings, various religious as well as national festivals are celebrated.
• To have a systematic and responsible future life, a child is trained in the school in a disciplined atmosphere. • To explore the hidden talent of a child, different competitions such as drawing, fancy dress, elocution etc., are held.
• To link the child with the world of information, Inter-net facility is provided in the school campus.
• To enhance Pupil-Teacher relationship and to have a better understanding of the outer world, we organize picnic, field trips and tour programmes.