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Rules & Regulations

1. The school hours are from 7:45am up to 1: 40p.m (any change will be notified). Every student is expected to be punctual.

2. The use of other language or dialect other than English is strictly prohibited.

3. Any act of indiscipline, disrespect or provoking behaviour uncalled for in the school towards any staff members or students will not be tolerated and may lead to expulsion from the school.

4. Expensive ornaments, disproportionate amount other than fees, mobile phones or other possessions not suitable for use in school are prohibited.

5. Makeup such as lipstick, nail polish, cosmetics, tattoo or indecent dresses are prohibited. Wearing of ear rings, necklace, bangles etc. for boys are strictly prohibited. Hair should be cut short and properly groomed or combed. Spiky hair style is not permitted.

6. Gadgets like Mobile phones, i-pods, laptops etc. which are not part of school syllabus shall be seized and won’t be returned.

7. School diary must be brought to school daily.

8. Participation of students is a must in all the co- curricular activities.

9. It is mandatory to attend morning assembly.

10. Students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all class days. All the necessary books shall be brought to the school. A student who is slovenly dressed or without proper books may be excluded from the class room or even sent home. The school cannot be held responsible if anything untoward happens when a student is sent home for the above reasons.

11. The school cannot be held responsible for any minor or major accidents to students during the stay in the school or while taking part in sports or other co-curricular activities within or outside the school premises.

12. Any kinds of damage to property whether of the school or of its inmates should be made good either individually or collectively.

13. No books, (other than text books or library books). magazines or papers may be brought to school without permission.

14. Parents and guardians should not visit their wards or their teachers in the class room without the Principal’s permission. Parents are not allowed to use school toilets without permission.

15. Letters addressed to and received by the children may be delivered open. Letters written in English only will be delivered.

16. No student may leave the school premises during the class hours or recess time without the permission of the school authority. If anyone is found violating the rules, he/she may be suspended and later dismissed.

17. The school reserves the right to penalize, suspend and expel students whose conduct is detrimental to the interest of the school. The following behaviour or activity could lead to fine and / or suspension or expulsion of a student.
a) Negligence of classes, weekly -tests, evaluation, homework or other school function.
b) Disrespect towards the school authority, teachers and other staff.
c) Destroying school property.
d)Assault/threat on teachers or other staff & fellow students inside & outside of the school. HR. SEC SCHOOL
e) Using unfair means in examination.
f) Irregularity in attendance or regular late coming.
g) Truancy h) The use of intoxicating drink, smoking, chewing of tobacco / pan / betel nut or any kind of drugs.